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Unlock Your
S.H.I.N.E Factor.
Ready to Shine? Welcome here. I'm THE SHINE STRATEGISTTM
This is Why I'm Here...
Everyone Has a Story...
I have always believed in the power of story-telling. I truly believe we ALL have a story. I also believe our stories are not for us, they are to connect us to those, we are called to serve.
We all have self-doubts that our story isn't worth telling, and that's because we've lived our stories every day of our lives.
People build relationships and do business with people they know, like and trust. So how do you SHINE through the noise and the clutter? How do you express your shine factor in a unique way that resonates with others?
You do so by sharing your story.
Our Stories Are NOT for Us...
When you tell your story, even though you are giving direct insights to your own personal story and experience, what people are hearing and connecting with is their own story and the relatable connection to your experience.
The more personal you make the story the more universal it will be and the more it will connect with others.
That's where I come in. To help you identify the many ways in which you can SHINE with your own unique experience.
Story-telling will advance your message and elevate you to new heights both personally and professionally and it can connect you with your audience, clients and contacts in a powerful way.
Soar Higher Into New Expressions
It's Time to Step Into Your Shine Zone...
What Does It Mean To SHINE?
To SHINE is for each one of us to esteem ourselves highly enough, to turn on our inner light, be guided strictly by our own glow, and then reach - to operate at the highest level of our brilliance, every day, in every way.
Why YOU Need A Shine Strategist?
So many people desire to become more, yet many of them are living a fraction of who they really are. Perhaps they have dulled their brilliance out of FEAR, the fear of attempting something new, stepping out of their comfort zone or not having clear direction on how to SHINE the spotlight on their brilliance. For us to grow in our career, business or relationships, we must continuously take new steps, and many times we need someone solid to hold our hands, as we take that big leap.
That's where I come in...
I'm passionate about helping people re-align their lives, so they can travel on a more rewarding and fulfilling path in life. As a shine strategist, I work with people who desire to unleash their brilliance, anyone at a start-up level in a new business, project, product or idea, or even accomplished professionals who are ready to progress into further expression of themselves - in a new career, business or relationship.
Let ME show YOU how to unleash your "Shine Factor" & step into your SHINE ZONE.
Meet Your Shine StrategistTM
Clara Rufai known as THE SHINE STRATEGIST is a Globally Recognised Speaker, Corporate Lawyer, Compliance Manager, Book Consultant & Writing Coach, Author, StoryTeller, and Mentor. Clara uses her SHINE Philosophy to empower people to discover their SHINE Factor as they (S)tart (H)arness (I)dentify (N)etwork and (E)xpress their Brilliance, so they can travel on a more rewarding and personally fulfilling path in life. She is also the host of a weekly podcast called SHINE CAPSULES. Clara partners with global Thought leaders and Influencers, leveraging the extensive relationships she has built, in order to deliver valuable content that serves individuals, whether through her networking event - SHINE Happy Hour or The SHINE Mentoring Programme (TSMP) inside The Shine Zone (Members hub).
She is the President and Founder of The SHINE Zone, a social enterprise that specialises in personal development and empowerment creating platforms, resources, and tools for individuals and company employees to find their shine zone(s) and thrive. In 2019, Clara was honoured with an Iconic Woman Award at the Annual Global Women Economic Forum (WEF) in India, plus a Humanity Award and Motivational Award from Powerhouse Global. Her Shine Story was spurred by the tragic loss of two siblings in one day, a crushing event that threw her into extreme depression. As she began to heal, she became consumed with a desire to discover her life’s purpose and shine with it. Today, Clara is passionate about empowering individuals to turn on their inner light, so they can operate in their Brilliance. Clara hosts an annual conference called Leap And Shine Conference and the SHINE Legacy Awards.
Get Shine Capsule
Audio Bundle
Listen to BEFFTA Award "Best Author" Nominee, Clara Rufai show YOU how to Take The Leap from Limitation to Liberation, in 12 carefully selected audio pills to help you turn on your inner lights and shine.
Here's My SHINE Story...
I exist to help YOU break out of every 'prison' of LIMITATION so you can gain clarity and courage to LEAP into your SHINE, play full out, (in life and in business), enjoying the life of LIBERATION that you were born to live.
Remember this - You are NOT alone...
A bit of my background story:
My shine story really began with losing two younger siblings on the same day, in a boat accident over 2 decades ago. That traumatising experience affected me deeply. Realising my sisters could no longer achieve their dreams because their lives had been cut short, I decided that I would vicariously make their lives count, by making MY life, count. And so, began my journey to finding my purpose.
However, between making that decision and aligning myself with my purpose, there lay a long, dreary, lonely road.
You see, I too once faced frustration and confusion in pursuing my corporate career, caring for a young family and building my own business, especially with a highly demanding day job as a corporate lawyer and compliance professional.
Like most of us, I got caught in a roller coaster of going through the daily motions without really enjoying life, fulfilling my calling or living out my purpose. It was always one step forward then three steps backwards as exhaustion, sleep deprivation and overwhelm would take over. ... I was DEPRESSED because I felt I had nothing SPECIAL to show for my nearly 5 decades on earth.
I was literally DYING from the pressure that I felt to leave my footprints in the sands of time!
After years of frustration, self-doubt and dissatisfaction with the direction my life was headed, I got a wake-up call when one morning I collapsed on my kitchen floor, passed out cold from exhaustion and stress, and woke up - to the scare of a brain tumor.
I was able then to get off the treadmill of life, take a precious few days off work, and, while laying on my back in bed recuperating, THAT'S when I did some deep thinking and took some deep decisions. The decisions that I took over those two days led to an interesting chain of events. From writing my award nominated book "Prison Break" in just 64 days, to having the most amazing book launch at which I shamelessly celebrated myself.
Since then, I have grown – in courage, in confidence and in clarity. I’ve found my Shine Essence. I’ve found the gifts and the abilities I need to fulfill my purpose and calling and I am now using them - unapologetically. I've been featured on TV, radio and print media sharing my powerful message and gathering MOMENTUM, and proudly building a MOVEMENT, while serving those I now know I’m called to serve.
I'm NOW building, managing, and growing my business, alongside a high-powered corporate career.
YES, I escaped my mental prison! I broke away from LIMITATION and I’m now boldly, PASSIONATELY, operating in LIBERATION.
My own SHINE is now causing a ripple in the lives of others. YOU too can do the same!
That's why I'm so grateful to be able to help others - women and men like YOU, who want more with their current lives, and are seeking to discover fulfilling and meaningful alternatives, focused around their passion, their gifts and their callings which many of them may never have considered.
I equip them with the coaching, tools and strategies they need to break out of their prisons of limitation, so they can live in abundance, expressing their fullest potentials and making the change they were born to make in this world.
I do this because I believe that EVERY LIFE COUNTS, and that we all carry the torch of greatness in our souls. For many of us though, the fire soon dies and the light dims in the course of the many pressures of life.
That’s where I come in, to REMIND YOU of who YOU really are, and what it means to SHINE.
What Does It Mean To SHINE?
To SHINE is for each one of us to esteem ourselves highly enough, to turn on our inner light, be guided strictly by our own inner glow, and then reach outwards - to operate at the highest level of our brilliance, every day, in every way.
And I use the S.H.I.N.E to help people, (S)TART, (H)ARNESS, (I)DENTIFY, (N)ETWORK and (E)XPRESS their brilliance.
This is my story.
What’s yours?
And how are you using YOUR STORY to impact your world?
My Platforms
What Shine-Stars Are Saying!
"OMG Sis-Star... You have made me cry, your words in "The Journey to Purpose" book touched my soul... I knew there was a reason why we met & connected... I am near the end of your chapter... I cannot wait to give you a testimony... Thank you for touching my heart ♥… One Love… EVERY SUCCESS TO YOU. Xxx."
Work With ME...
Here's How I Serve...
One-on-One Coaching
I work with individuals who feel confined and unfulfilled with the lives they are currently living, to find the keys to break free and break out of the prisons that restrict and limit them, so that they can rediscover their brilliance and achieve their dreams. I do this by helping them confront, analyse and overcome their limitations, to embrace their Shine Factor™ - those qualities that make them special and uniquely qualified to serve the world in a way only they can. I also offer legal consulting for coaches, speakers and authors.
Writing & Book Consulting
Nearly every person on the planet wants to write a book in their lifetime but less than 1% ever finish that and get it published. Writing a book signifies that you are serious about your story or message. A published book gives you authority and opens many doors for your brand growth, including consulting, speaking engagements, and in-person meet-ups with your tribe. I help upcoming writers build a writing career and work with accomplished writers to tell better stories and birth their book projects into the world.
Group & Executive Coaching
As President & Founder of The SHINE Zone, I offer corporate development trainings, staff development workshops, leadership programmes, and strategic consulting for small businesses and high-powered professionals to support, engage, empower and craft creative ways for their workforce to function optimally and profitably, by equipping them with creative tools and strategies they require to shine as a team - as well as upscale their organisational practices, uplevel individual & group performance, and transition to their Shine Zone™.
What Shine-Stars Are Saying!
"As a new business owner, there were a lot of new things to learn. Sometimes it was downright overwhelming because you didn't know where to start. Clara Rufai came into the picture just at the right time. One of her greatest strengths is her ability to articulate your thoughts and express them in a way that makes you say 'A ha'. This is exactly what I was thinking.' This skill was priceless as a new business owner as I tried to articulate the building blocks that were the foundation of our business and to also craft the path that I wanted our business to grow in. Everyone needs a coach and having Clara Rufai on our team has indeed been one of the factors that has contributed to our success today. We are ahead of our peers because of Coach Clara."
International Recognition Certificate from The Republic of Women as part of #100Women Initiative
Recognised for work in the area of "Social Work - Women's Empowerment" on the basis of the shortlist by Chief Executive Board for Certification to UN Countries.
New Appointment: Country Director for the United Kingdom by the International Youth Society
Announced on 26 January 2021
Featured Interview on BRAG! Magazine- "What It Means To SHINE at 50"
Published on August 30, 2019.
Speaking at 2020 Annual Global Women Economic Forum (WEF) in Cairo.
MARCH 4 - 9, 2020 in Cairo, Egypt
Catch Me LIVE on The Mob Money Business Talk Radio Show on UJR Radio Network.
Tune In and LIsten LIVE at www.umojanetwork.com
The Shine Happy Hour
Join Us for An Evening
of Brilliance & Networking
Mark Your Calendars & Invite a Friend.
It's Going Down on Friday 6 DECEMBER 2019!
Tune In LIVE to Transcending Horizon Broadcast with Dr Tylisha Johnson
Join My Facebook LIVE Broadcast on 11/18 at 6.30pm EST/ 11.30pm GMT.
Hosting The LIVE Premiere of The Single Mother's Diary Film and Book Launch.
The Shine Masterclass:
5 Easy Steps to Walking In Your Brilliance...
Mark Your Calendars. Invite a Friend.
It's Going Down on Thursday 5 April 2018!
Get Audacity to Shine at The Leap & SHINE Virtual Summit 2018
Reserve Your Seat & Join My Panel of Thought Leaders on 6 October 2018.
What Shine-Stars Are Saying!
"I worked with Clara Rufai in 2014 and 2015 (the formative years of PineTree Organizers, a professional Organizing and Productivity company). She helped to clearly articulate and put the right words to our every thought and dream. With Clara all you had to do was pour your heart out and the rest is history, she would bring it to life. Give her a simple piece/draft and she'll convert it to an entire book... You are on our PineTree Wall of Fame and Excellence."
The Shine Blog & Podcast
Listen to SHINE CAPSULES or Read Powerful & Illuminating Musings to Spark Your Brilliance.
March 15, 2021 · Articles...May 18, 2020 · Shine Capsules...May 11, 2020 · Shine Capsules...More PostsThe Shine Academy
Take Advantage of Our Tools, Resources and Coaching
to Help You Discover Your Brilliance & Step into Your Shine ZoneTM.
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Plug in your Head Phones and Take a Leap from "Limitation" to Liberation with a FREE Audio Assessment Guide on how to Discover Your SHINE FACTOR and Step into Your Shine Zone.
In The Media
Stay Updated With Media Appearances, Interviews & Features
Featured in Vanguard Newspaper
Clara Rufai launches SHINE Vision in Lagos and invites ShineSTARS to share their shine stories at the event.
Ben TV Breakfast Show
Clara sits down for an Interview with host, Chinode Chisengalembwe
Keep The Faith Magazine
Clara shares her recommended path to transitioning from a 9 to 5 into self-employment or entrepreneurship.
Featured on Loretta Reveals
This "revealing" piece on Clara Rufai exposes how she dared to win against all odds.
Featured in The 40 Day Writer
Clara's story of resilience and tenacity is spotlighted.
Cover of 'Entrepreneurs of Color'
Clara Rufai equips individuals with tools to find their shine inside the beautiful cover of EOC Magazine .
Read My Recent Cover Feature on 'Entrepreneurs of Color' Magazine
Catch More on The Inside - 'Entrepreneurs of Color' Magazine
My Social Stream
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My Award Nominated Book...
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Bring The Shine StrategistTM & her SHINE Message to Your Event
Are You Looking for a Keynote Speaker, Facilitator and Change Agent for Your Next Event?
Clara Rufai's SHINE Philosophy is resonating with audiences around the World. Don't let your organisation staff or event attendees be left out.
Get Your Copy Now!
Take a Leap from Limitation to Liberation by getting a copy of Prison Break: The 9 - 5 Escape Agenda by Clara I. Rufai.
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- Work with ME to UnleashYour SHINE Factor Today!
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