A few years ago, I believed my prison was my 9 to 5 job. I wanted to leap from the prison of limitation to a life of LIBERATION beyond the confinement of my corporate cubicle.
But I did not know where to begin….
This is my story of CHANGE, and it began with a single intention.... TO ESCAPE MY PRISON.
My INTENTION to escape burned inside me so long, it became a driving force in my life. It consumed every spare moment of thought, energy, and time I had. It gave me no respite. It would not allow me to rest or to stop…
It forced me to ask questions I’d not asked myself since I became an adult.
I began to think about what I wanted, what I desired, and what truly mattered to me. I decided to embark on a deep soul-search to discover the things that brought me real joy and FULFILMENT.
My name is Clara Rufai, I’m The Shine Strategist. I am an enabler and a change agent. I help those who feel confined by the lives they’re currently living, by equipping them with the keys to break free so they can make the difference they know they were born to make.
This was born out of my own struggles with fear and self-doubt - which I have now overcome.
Thinking about the things I wanted eventually led me to wanting to DO MORE than just think about them… I KNEW ACTION WAS REQUIRED….
I began to take steps, series of actions each day towards the GOAL I was determined to achieve. Those actions stirred in me a deeper hunger to SUCCEED at my goal, and a VISION of how I might create the change I wanted.
I took a DECISION to make every change I had to make and I COMMITTED to making those changes.
My desire to change led me to hiring a coach who helped me find the CONFIDENCE to believe I could write a book. I learned how to bring together the people I needed to make my book a reality. I acquired the RESILIENCE I needed to overcome the inevitable challenges and obstacles along the way.
All of this brought massive, sweeping change into my life, but the GENESIS of it all, was an INTENTION to change…
Click the link and listen to today’s Shine Capsule to FIND OUT MORE . . .
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