Ever wondered what you could do if you threw away your truck-load of excuses?
My life used to be quite different from what it is now. I have faced some challenges in the course of pursuing a highly-demanding corporate career, while building my own business, and caring for a young family. For years, I was caught in a roller coaster of going through the daily motions, unhappy, not really enjoying life. It was always one step forward then three steps backwards .... I would look around and see other people achieving the results that I wanted, but I didn’t know how to achieve it. I was depressed.
There came a time in my life when I had to own up to the fact that I had far more excuses than my truck could carry! Throwing away my truckload of excuses was the first step to creating the life I currently have.
My greatest strength has always been in recognising and accepting that my life and my journey are unique to me. That mindset liberates me from the folly of comparison, and the frustration it brings.
Guess what though? Our stories may differ, but when it comes to the dynamics of what it takes to change our lives’ course, the time-tested, game-changing principles remain very similar. Having walked the path of uncertainty, doubt and fear, I am grateful to be able to help others seeking to find greater alignment with their unique gifts, talents and callings.
In this week’s Shine Capsule, I discuss some proven strategies for finding your Shine Factor and Shine Zone in order to eliminate stress, frustration and overwhelm and be re-aligned to your personal journey for a more purpose-driven, fulfilling and intentional life which you'll find personally rewarding.
Thinking outside your ‘prison-box’ is one such strategy….
Click the PLAY Button to find out more.
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Missed the Launch Event? You Can Join ME & Other Shine-Stars for Another Evening of Brilliance & Networking in October. Get a Physical or Virtual Pass to SHINE HAPPY HOUR...