As founder of the Shine Movement, I was truly excited to be able to formally launch the SHINE VISION in Nigeria this month of April, with the goal to inspire, motivate and teach people to passionately pursue their brilliance and live in their SHINE ZONE.
The Shine Ideology teaches amongst other strategies:
- The idea that everyone of us has been bestowed with gifts to Shine, to walk in our brilliance and live out our unique purpose.
- The importance of turning on the inner light, so that it shines upwards and outwards illuminating not just our paths, but the path of those around us.
- The need to activate our Inner compass and soar into new expressions which involve the fine art of....
- (S)tarting,
- (H)arnessing,
- (I)dentifying,
- (N)etworking
- (E)xpressing.

As the Shine Strategist, I had the privilege of bringing together a specially selected group of individuals, some of whom I had identified as Shine-Stars - stars so bright, I had to give them the stage to share their shine-stories to encourage and inspire others. Some in attendance had been social media friends for a while, and were truly grateful for the opportunity to meet other Shine-stars they admire and had connected with over social media.
The exclusive, invite-only event held in a cosy location back in Lagos, in my home country Nigeria, to encourage intimacy and provided the perfect opportunity to kick start the Shine-stories and the Shine-journeys of those, desiring to SOAR, in their respective fields and areas of life.

I had the privilege of interviewing two panels of Shine-Stars: Both panels were made up of speakers, who shared their Shine Stories to the admiration of all. Stories which included overcoming challenges, proffering solutions and choosing to SHINE against the odds.
First Panel Speakers; EFE Anaughe, RUTH Zubairu, RITA Okoye and MILTON Tutu. Second Panel Speakers: SOLA Oguche, NENE Olaoluwa, OLU Adekoya, LOLA Aneke, JOY Kika and FOLASHADE.

Also in attendance was "Queen of Expression" and founder of the Naked Philosophy - ALEX Okoroji, who eloquently shared her own Shine-journey, inspiring all present to rise above negative circumstances and self judgement. It was a wake up call and indeed an evening for Stars to Shine bright without apology.

I am so excited and humbled to see so many people show up and engage with the S.H.I.N.E Vision and subscribe to what it means to - Soar Higher Into New Expressions.

Here are are few photos from the event held on Sunday 8 April 2018. I welcome your feedback - let me know what you think and how best I can serve you to shine even brighter.

You can start by joining me in The Shine Zone where you will join other ShineStars and receive tools and support to walk in your brilliance and S.H.I.N.E brighter!